Simple rules for getting Superbetter!

It’s time to get superbetter.

A simple and effective way to cultivate more happiness and resilience in your life is to get SuperBetter by registering for the free website ( to constantly be challenged to put more positivity in your life. Based entirely on current research, the “quests” and “power ups” provide concrete actions you can take every day to give your productivity (and all around awesomeness) a boost. A few examples are provided below:

  • Physical Resilience: Get out of your chair right now and do 15 push-ups or lightly stretch for 1 minute
  • Mental Resilience: Take a minute and research that question that’s been nagging you – What do you call a group of ostriches? How can I increase my awesomeness?
  • Emotional Resilience: Write down the best thing that’s happened to you today, and take 10 seconds to enjoy it.
  • Social Resilience: Share this post with someone and let them know you think they’re awesome.

For the whole story behind SuperBetter and how it works, check out the creator’s TEDtalk